Monday, April 29, 2024

Final Post-Relationship With Technology

I believe my relationship with technology has ups and downs and is neither entirely positive or negative.

On one hand I appreciate the convenience of the internet, messaging, social media, etc. that technology provides for me on a daily basis, but a glaring problem is the amount of time these things often suck up. Sometimes I will scroll mindlessly on Instagram for 40 minutes without realizing what just happened until I snap out of it. Most members of my generation and even some of those who are older can say the same. While I undoubtedly spend too much time on social media, I do try to balance every day out. Instead of constantly reading or
watching something on a piece of technology, I make sure to spend time exercising, going outside, hanging out with family and friends, and more in order to nourish my mind, body, and soul. However, due to the way cellphones have infiltrated every aspect of our culture and my habits, even these activities are often not free of screens. At the gym I find myself checking the music playing on my phone. While walking outside I still scroll on social media. At meals with friends I still respond to messages from people apart from who I'm with in that moment. All of these little things combine to interrupt moments that should be left unmarred by the presence of screens.

As for the information I consume through technology, I view it all critically. While technology can inform and educate, it can also turn into a never-ending tunnel of bias and/or misinformation. Because of this, I try to obtain my online/tv content from a diverse array of trustworthy sources to compare and contrast and make sure I'm getting the best, most accurate info. I am also aware, however that most people in our society do not do this and place themselves into echo chambers whether intentionally or not.

Technology is a tool that can be used for good or evil. It can provide communication to people on opposite sides of the world, help solve complex problems, and allow instant access to heaps of information. It can also consume people's lives and alienate them from society, mislead millions at once, sink negative thoughts deep into anyone's brain, and more. When using any piece of technology, but especially my phone, I must always exercise discipline and self-control to discern between its good and bad uses.

Here are a couple links to websites talking about some additional pros and cons of technology in our society:

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Final Post-Relationship With Technology

I believe my relationship with technology has ups and downs and is neither entirely positive or negative. On one hand I appreciate the conve...